Project Details

Mead Dr, Chipping Norton

Mead Dr, Chipping Norton

20/7 Mead Dr, Chipping Norton Apartments

20/7 Mead Dr, Chipping Norton

Schools that are Nearby:
• Chipping Norton Primary Public School – 0.33 KM
• Georges River Environmental Education Centre – 0.37 KM
• Hopepoint Christian Primary School – 1.18 KM
• Moorebank High School – 1.62KM
• Georges River Grammar – 1.74 KM

Contact Us Now on 02 9771 6555 / 0479 144 888 to secure this Stunning Unit and to arrange an inspection!

Project Map

Ari Pobert

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  • Office : 02 9771 6555
  • Mobile : 0479 144 888

Ari Pobert has quickly established himself as a respected authority in real estate, establishing himself as one of the industry's most successful and creative agents.

Ari, as a Director in the company, has a stellar reputation in the community and has amassed a large referral network of satisfied customers and r...
